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Building a successful Estonia!

Our activities contribute to achieving the long-term strategic goals of the Estonian economy and our further aim is to facilitate the process of Estonia becoming one of the most competitive countries in the world.

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How can we help Estonian companies?


Introducing opportunities for bringing your company to a new level through business model innovation.


Sharing expert know-how and connecting you with right partners for your business development.


Supporting your ambitious ideas as well as assisting in finding international funding opportunities.

Services and grants


Grant for Companies’ Research and Development Employees

Maximum grant 50% of the income tax paid for the ta employee

Programme for applied research: small projects

Maximum grant 150 000
äri arendamine

International talent engagement in companies

Price free
Duration 45 min

Target market seminars


Export advisory services in target markets


Euroopa Horisont EIC Accelerator

Maximum grant €2.49mln (millele lisandub kuni €10mln omakapitaliinvesteeringuna)
Duration kuni 2 aastat

Grant for the implementation of a development plan for creative entrepreneurs

Maximum grant 100 000

Grant for developing export capacity for creative entrepreneurship

Maximum grant 50 000
äri arendamine

Development cooperation consultation

Price starting from 7th hour, 100 €/h
Duration up to 6 h free of charege

Technology Intelligence

Price starting from 6th hour, 100 €/h
Duration up to 5h free of charge


Maximum grant 300 000
Duration up to 36 months

Programme for applied research

Maximum grant 2 000 000

Development centres investment grant

Maximum grant 500 000

Grant for large investor

Maximum grant 3 000 000

International conference grant

Maximum grant 30 000

Grant for international events

Maximum grant 75 000

Systematic export to Japan

Price sme: 2000 euros; large enterprise: 3000 euros
Duration the program will start in january 2024 and lasts 6 months

Grant for knowledge-intensive activities of Ida-Viru enterprises

Maximum grant 5 000 000

Investment grant for Ida-Viru companies

Maximum grant depends on the size of the investment, minimum amount of support is 500 000 euros
Araabia Ühendemiraadid

Involving international experts

Price co-payment 50% of the expert's fee, maximum grant amount 10,000 euros
See who are the category winners of Estonia’s largest business competition

The winners of Estonia’s largest business competition, ‘Best Estonian Companies 2023’, were announced today by the Estonian Employers’ Confederation, Estonian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Estonian Business and Innovation Agency. The nominees will battle for the Company of the Year title on November 4 at the gala, which will also be broadcasted on ETV. Estonian Business and Innovation Agency together with The Estonian Employers’ Confederation selected the best in six categories and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in three categories. “Now the two separate competitions will become one, and the company of the year will be announced from

Two businesses to invest in new business opportunities thanks to Just Transition Fund

Heavy machinery company Agricom Tehnika is investing almost 2 million euros to establish a waste timber and farmland biomass collection and recycling centre in Ida-Virumaa. Aquaphor is investing 11 million euros to start the production of water purification devices that also work within the framework of smart homes. The state is supporting the former project with 900,000 euros from the Just Transition Fund, and the latter project with 3.2 million. Agricom Tehnika OÜ began its activities by offering heavy machinery services, including wood chopping. Through continued development, the company has branched out into the production and sale of full cycle

The winners of the „Go Global Awards“ 2022 in Tallinn are announced

The International Trade Council (ITC) event “Go Global Awards” culminated with gala evening in Tallinn. Business world’s Oscars conference and gala brought together hundreds of senior executives from the world’s most innovative manufacturers, re-manufacturers and exporters, along with representatives from government bodies, trade associations, venture capital firms and financial institutions. „This is the first time this international event, with more than 30 years of history, took place in a nordic country, and it is no coincidence that it was Estonia,“ said Solomon Addai, ITC Senior Board Member .„First, Estonia as Estonian Business and Innovation Agency won the best Trade Promotion

Estonia Launches the Go Global 2022 awards program

The Global Economic Impact Forum on Ukraine was held in Istanbul, Türkiye on the 21st and 22nd July 2022, focused on bringing together high-level political, public sector, and business leaders from Fortune 500 companies from across the globe to look at rebuilding Ukraine, discuss investment and trade opportunities, address the challenges to regional and global supply chains, and work to ensure economic continuity for Ukraine and its trade partners through new cooperation channels and agreements. In attendance and speaking on behalf of the Ukrainian government were the Hon. Dmytro Natalukha, Chairman of the Economic Affairs Parliamentary Committee, Member of Parliament

Enterprise Estonia takes 13 companies to Eurosatory 2022

Enterprise Estonia takes 13 Estonian companies with a joint stand to one of the biggest trade fairs for the defense industry – Eurosatory 2022 taking place in Paris from June 13th til June 17th.   Eurosatory is one of the largest defense industry trade fairs in Europe, held on every second year. Last time the fair was physically held in 2018 and it was attended by over 1,800 exhibitors and more than 57,000 visitors. Enterprise Estonia will go to the Eurosatory fair with a joint stand of companies for the fifth time, since 2014. According to Rene Ehasalu, the cluster

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