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Development centres investment grant

We support the establishment and expansion of development centres in Estonia.

Applications for support can be submitted continuously.
Pre-consultation must be completed before submitting application.

Development centres investment grant
Maximum grant
500 000
Total grant amount
4 000 000

Who is the grant intended for?

  • A company belonging to an international group registered in Estonia, which performs the function of development
  • Belongs to an international group operating in at least two countries
  • The consolidated turnover of the group in the last financial year was at least 10 million euros
  • The project contributes to one of the focus areas of the Strategy for Research and Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TAIE): digital solutions in every area of life, health technologies and services, enhancement of local resources (food, wood, mineral resources, secondary raw materials and waste), smart and sustainable energy solutions

What qualifies for a grant?

The proportion of support depends on the size of the company and the planned activities:

  • 50% for acquisition of fixed assets, building renovation, consulting services and trainings
  • 25-45% for product development
  • 50-70% for applied research
  • If the development activity includes effective cooperation, the support is up to 15% higher

What will change in my company?

The maximum project length is 24 months

Growth of added value

A product, service or technology with higher added value is created with the help of the development centre.

Sales revenue growth

Sales revenue and competitiveness are increased through the provision of new or modified services.

New jobs

At least 5 new full-time jobs will be created, with an average gross monthly salary of at least 1.25 times the average of the county where the centre is located.

Preliminary consultation

Mandatory consultation must be completed before submitting an application.
To arrange a consultation, please contact: [email protected]

Application preparation

The application can be compiled and submitted in the online E-toetus environment (only in Estonian).

As application process must be completed in Estonian then guidelines and assessment methodology are also in Estonian.
The additional documents of the application are the project plan, action plan and budget form, forecast of economic indicators and group membership scheme.

The following must also be added to the application:

  • The balance sheet and income statement of the applicant for the current financial year as of the quarter preceding the submission of the application
  • A copy of the applicant’s last financial year’s report (for the applicant with an audit obligation, together with the auditor’s decision) if the report is not available from the business register, and a copy of the parent company’s last financial year’s approved report if the report is not available from the business register

Submitting an application

The application can be compiled and submitted in the online E-toetus environment

Evaluation of the application

The submitted applications are evaluated by the evaluation committee. If necessary, additional information is requested, an additional meeting is arranged, or the help of an expert is used.

Which evaluation criteria and their proportions should be guided by?
35% compatibility of the project with sectoral development plans, impact on the achievement of the special objective of the implementation plan and the objectives of the measure
20% justification of the project
20% cost effectiveness of the project
15% the ability of the grant applicant to implement the project
10% compatibility of the project with the basic principles and goals of “Estonia 2035”

Project implementation

Successfully implement the activities based on what is described in the project plan and achieve the set goals!

The projects are financed from the funds of the European Union Cohesion Policy Fund (funding period 2021-2027), and therefore the recipient of the grant has the obligation to inform the public about the receipt of the grant and its use.

Notification of the Funding

Please also pay attention to the fact that in the case of non-procurement parties, it is important to organize the procurement of services/goods:

  • economical use of grant money
  • of all providers, incl. potential, equal treatment, i.e. submitting the same starting task / invitation to tender to bidders
  • for all one-of-a-kind expenses, the cost of which is 20,000 euros or more without VAT, the original assignment and at least three comparable price offers from independent providers must be submitted with the report
  • for purchases of 60,000 euros and more, the purchase procedure must be carried out in the public procurement register
  • maintaining the documentation of requesting and receiving quotations in a logical time sequence, i.e. obtaining them in a transparent and verifiable way
  • making transactions between related parties within the meaning of §8 of the Income Tax Act is prohibited


Submit project-related reporting and disbursement requests through the online E-toetus environment

Keep in mind that reports can be submitted 2 times a year. You must submit the project’s interim or final report in accordance with the decision.

If you have current questions, we are always there to support you!

Project steps

Mandatory consultation must be completed before submitting an application.
To arrange a consultation, please contact: [email protected]

The application can be compiled and submitted in the online E-toetus environment (only in Estonian).

As application process must be completed in Estonian then guidelines and assessment methodology are also in Estonian.
The additional documents of the application are the project plan, action plan and budget form, forecast of economic indicators and group membership scheme.

The following must also be added to the application:

  • The balance sheet and income statement of the applicant for the current financial year as of the quarter preceding the submission of the application
  • A copy of the applicant’s last financial year’s report (for the applicant with an audit obligation, together with the auditor’s decision) if the report is not available from the business register, and a copy of the parent company’s last financial year’s approved report if the report is not available from the business register

The application can be compiled and submitted in the online E-toetus environment

The submitted applications are evaluated by the evaluation committee. If necessary, additional information is requested, an additional meeting is arranged, or the help of an expert is used.

Which evaluation criteria and their proportions should be guided by?
35% compatibility of the project with sectoral development plans, impact on the achievement of the special objective of the implementation plan and the objectives of the measure
20% justification of the project
20% cost effectiveness of the project
15% the ability of the grant applicant to implement the project
10% compatibility of the project with the basic principles and goals of “Estonia 2035”

Successfully implement the activities based on what is described in the project plan and achieve the set goals!

The projects are financed from the funds of the European Union Cohesion Policy Fund (funding period 2021-2027), and therefore the recipient of the grant has the obligation to inform the public about the receipt of the grant and its use.

Notification of the Funding

Please also pay attention to the fact that in the case of non-procurement parties, it is important to organize the procurement of services/goods:

  • economical use of grant money
  • of all providers, incl. potential, equal treatment, i.e. submitting the same starting task / invitation to tender to bidders
  • for all one-of-a-kind expenses, the cost of which is 20,000 euros or more without VAT, the original assignment and at least three comparable price offers from independent providers must be submitted with the report
  • for purchases of 60,000 euros and more, the purchase procedure must be carried out in the public procurement register
  • maintaining the documentation of requesting and receiving quotations in a logical time sequence, i.e. obtaining them in a transparent and verifiable way
  • making transactions between related parties within the meaning of §8 of the Income Tax Act is prohibited

Submit project-related reporting and disbursement requests through the online E-toetus environment

Keep in mind that reports can be submitted 2 times a year. You must submit the project’s interim or final report in accordance with the decision.

If you have current questions, we are always there to support you!

Assistance for applicant

Robert Lang

+372 5621 5891


Read more about the terms and conditions of the grant in the grant regulation:

Grant regulation

Find more information about the previous projects and the grants they received here:

Funded projects database
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