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Grant for knowledge-intensive activities of Ida-Viru enterprises

We support the diversification of the Ida-Viru economy and the creation of positions with high value added

Projects that are being realised by Ida-Viru companies or companies that invest in Ida-Viru County may receive the grant.
The programme consists of advising and supporting companies.

Due to the low number of applications for this measure, we are preparing to close the application rounds.
Based on the above, the last deadline for submitting project plans for preliminary consultation is 7.10.2024 at 16:00.
The deadline for submission of applications with project plans that have passed preliminary counseling and received a positive assessment in the preliminary evaluation in the E-toetus environment is 15.10.2024 at 16:00.
We process applications in the order they are received and make decisions until the budget is exhausted. An approved project plan does not guarantee receiving a grant.

The minimum grant amount to be applied for in the application stage is 100,000 euros and the maximum amount is 5,000,000 euros.
The total budget of the application stage is 15,000,000 euros.
The grant is funded with the Just Transition Fund resources.

Projects can apply for grants in two application rounds:

  • For projects that only involve research and development the application is ongoing and the grant per project is 100,000 to 2,000,000 euros.
  • For projects that handle pilot infrastructure the application is ongoing and the maximum grant per project is 5 million euro.

A prerequisite of submitting an application is the receipt of a positive preliminary project plan assessment.

Grant for knowledge-intensive activities of Ida-Viru enterprises
Maximum grant
5 000 000

Who is the main target of the grant

  • This programme is for companies that wish to develop innovative technologies, processes, products or services, test new materials or gather knowledge about technological feasibility
  • A company will be able to apply independently or in cooperation with other companies, scientific establishments, testing laboratories or intellectual property experts
  • Companies entered in the Estonian business register irrelevant of their size and history of operations who plan to implement their project in Ida-Viru County or to invest in Ida-Viru County can apply for this grant: The company must not be in difficulty

What kinds of projects are we expecting?

  • the decommissioning or construction of nuclear power plants
  • making, processing and marketing of tobacco and tobacco products
  • firms in difficulty as defined in article 2 clause 18 of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 (1), except where this is allowed according to temporary State aid rules established to deal with exceptional circumstances or in the context of de minimis aid, to support investments that reduce energy costs in the context of the energy system transformation process
  • investments related to the production, processing, transport, distribution, storage or combustion of fossil fuels

What qualifies for a grant?

When applying for support in the form of de minimis aid (Vähese tähtsusega abi/VTA), the support rate is 80%. Check the free balance of de minimis aid here (Vähese tähtsusega abi vaba jääk)

The proportion of applied research support when applying for support as state aid depends on the size of the company:

  • 70% (small business)
  • 60% (medium)
  • 50% (large)

The proportion of applied research grant depending on the size of the company in the context of effective cooperation when applying for support as state aid:

  • 80% (small)
  • 75% (medium)
  • 65% (large)

When applying for support in the form of de minimis aid (Vähese tähtsusega abi/VTA), the support rate is 80%. Check the free balance of de minimis aid here (Vähese tähtsusega abi vaba jääk)

Proportion of product development grant when applying for support as state aid depending on the size of the company:

  • 45% (small)
  • 35% (medium)
  • 25% (large)

Proportion of product development grant when applying for support as state aid depending on the size of the company in the context of effective cooperation:

  • 60% (small)
  • 50% (medium)
  • 40% (large)

Conducting feasibility studies as a preliminary step for conducting applied research or developing products. Grants are only given to feasibility studies that precede applied research or product development activities.

When applying for support in the form of de minimis aid (Vähese tähtsusega abi/VTA), the support rate is 80%. Check the free balance of de minimis aid here (Vähese tähtsusega abi vaba jääk)

When applying for support as state aid:

  • 70% (small)
  • 60% (medium)
  • 50% (large)

Primary protection of intellectual property can be applied for only if the project also contains applied research or product development activities.

When applying for support in the form of de minimis aid (Vähese tähtsusega abi/VTA), the support rate is 80%. Check the free balance of de minimis aid here (Vähese tähtsusega abi vaba jääk)

When applying for support as state aid:

  • the percentage of this grant is 50%

When applying for support in the form of de minimis aid (Vähese tähtsusega abi/VTA), the support rate is 80%. Check the free balance of de minimis aid here (Vähese tähtsusega abi vaba jääk)

When applying for aid under Block Exemption Article 14 – Regional aid for investments

  • 45% of eligible costs for a small enterprise
  • 35% of eligible costs for a medium-sized enterprise
  • 25% of eligible costs for a large enterprise

When applying for aid under Block Exemption Article 41 – Regional aid for investments in the promotion of energy generated from renewable sources and effective cogeneration

  • 45% of eligible costs for a small enterprise
  • 35% of eligible costs for a medium-sized enterprise
  • 25% of eligible costs for a large enterprise

When applying for aid under Block Exemption Article 41 – Regional aid for investments in the promotion of energy generated from renewable sources and effective cogeneration

  • 45% if support is requested for investments in the generation of renewable energy sources, including heat pumps complying with Annex VII to Directive (EU) 2018/2001, hydrogen from renewable sources and efficient cogeneration based on renewable energy sources
  • 30% if aid is requested for the other investments covered by Article 41
  • the aid intensity is increased by 20% for aid to small enterprises and by 10% for aid to medium-sized enterprises

When applying for aid under Block Exemption Article 47 – Regional aid for ensuring resource efficiency and transition to circular economy

  • 60% of eligible costs for a small enterprise
  • 50% of eligible costs for a medium-sized enterprise
  • 40% of eligible costs for a large enterprise

Rate of support as specified in the National aid authorisation

When applying for support in the form of de minimis aid (Vähese tähtsusega abi/VTA), the support rate is 80%. Check the free balance of de minimis aid here (Vähese tähtsusega abi vaba jääk)

The cost of external consultant service is eligible. The external consultant must not be an employee of the applicant or the partner.

The grant can be applied for in the form of de minimis aid (Vähese tähtsusega abi/VTA), the grant rate is 80%. Check the free balance of de minimis aid here (Vähese tähtsusega abi vaba jääk)

What will change in the company?

An increase in income through scientific activities and product development

An increase in international competitiveness

Increased number of employees involved in R&D

Assistance for applicant

Arbo Reino

[email protected]

+372 5067 756

Read more about the terms and conditions in the grant regulation:

Grant regulation

Other cross-cutting legislation and instructions for the period 2021-2027 (in Estonian)

An activity will be considered effective collaboration within the meaning of the General Block Exemption Regulation, if the project is conducted:

  • between independent undertakings, at least one of which is an SME (a small or medium-sized enterprise), or the project is carried out in at least two European Union Member States or a European Union Member State and a country involved in the Agreement on the European Economic Area and neither undertaking carries over 70% of the eligible costs
  • or between an undertaking and at least one R&D institution, which bears at least 10% of all eligible costs and has the right to publish the results of their activities

Before submitting the application, ask questions and register for a preliminary consultation. The deadline for submitting project plans for preliminary consultation is 7.10.2024 at 16:00.
Read more about applying grant in Estonian here

The deadline for submission of project plans that have passed preliminary counseling and received a positive assessment in the preliminary evaluation in the E-toetus environment is 15.10.2024 at 16:00.
The application can be compiled and submitted in the online E-toetus environment
Grant can be applied only in Estonian language.

Find more information about the previous projects and the grants they received here:

Funded projects database
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