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Multifaceted support from an export advisor residing abroad

We offer consultations on how to enter different export markets and advance your business.

Export advisory services in target markets
Work language
English, Estonian

Who is the main target of the service?

  • Companies that are interested in the following markets: the United Arab Emirates, China, the Netherlands, India, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Poland, France, Sweden, Germany, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark and the United States of America.
  • Export services are for companies that are registered in Estonia.
  • When providing the service, we are not responsible for the decisions and actions of the service recipient or for any loss of profit, income, revenue, non-material damage or any other indirect damage.
  • See which industries are excluded.
  • De minimis aid rules apply to the service.
• Check your company’s De minimis aid balance.

What are the benefits for my company?

thorough information on boosting export

A respective market expert to provide advice and help

The ability to make informed decisions

Seamless entrance into the target market

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