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Veebiseminar “Setting up and Growing in the US”

In this webinar Floor Bergshoeff and Carl van der Zandt will discuss various aspects of establishing your business in the U.S.

Join us on Wednesday, October 25 at 9 – 10 am EDT (16 – 17 EET) for an informative presentation and Q&A to prepare for your next steps in your US market expansion.

Please note that seating is limited. Please register your attendanceASAP if you would like to join for this informative session.


Toimumise kuupäev
25. oktoober 2023, 16:00
inglise keel
Registreerimine suletud

Kelle jaoks on veebiseminar mõeldud?

Seminarile ootame osalema kõiki Eesti ettevõtteid, kes plaanivad USA turule siseneda või seal laieneda.

Veebiseminari päevakava

Veebiseminar toimub inglise keeles.


Floor Bergshoeff is the Business Development Manager of TABS Inc. She will dive into how to set-up in the US market and what the do’s and don’ts are for a successful market expansion into the US market.

Carl van der Zandt is a partner in the New York law firm Wuersch & Gering LLP, and international boutique law firm with attorneys from various U.S. and international backgrounds. His diverse practice includes U.S. and international corporate and commercial transactions, intellectual property, and business litigation. He will focus on the legal aspects of U.S. market entry.

We encourage you to send your questions beforehand for the speakers to review and address during the  presentation. You can submit them to [email protected]



  • Sihtturu seminarile saad registreeruda lehekülje ülaosas oleva lingi kaudu.
  • Seminar on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerimine hiljemalt 24. oktoobril.
  • Seminari kaasrahastab Euroopa Liit.

Osale seminaril

Veebiseminar toimub inglise keeles.


Floor Bergshoeff is the Business Development Manager of TABS Inc. She will dive into how to set-up in the US market and what the do’s and don’ts are for a successful market expansion into the US market.

Carl van der Zandt is a partner in the New York law firm Wuersch & Gering LLP, and international boutique law firm with attorneys from various U.S. and international backgrounds. His diverse practice includes U.S. and international corporate and commercial transactions, intellectual property, and business litigation. He will focus on the legal aspects of U.S. market entry.

We encourage you to send your questions beforehand for the speakers to review and address during the  presentation. You can submit them to [email protected]


  • Sihtturu seminarile saad registreeruda lehekülje ülaosas oleva lingi kaudu.
  • Seminar on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerimine hiljemalt 24. oktoobril.
  • Seminari kaasrahastab Euroopa Liit.



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