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Prantsusmaa sihtturu veebiseminar innovatsioonist ja tehnoloogia koostööst

The webinar “Innovation and tech collaborations between France and Estonia: what are the opportunities for Estonian tech companies?” will be relevant to any Estonian tech companies that are willing to develop their activities in France or in Europe.

Toimumise kuupäev
07. aprill 2022, 15:00
inglise keel
Registreerimine suletud

Kelle jaoks on veebiseminar mõeldud?

  • Did you know that France ranks first in Europe for corporate innovation? 95% of French groups have already partnered with startups to deploy innovative technology solutions.
  • Partnering with groups can also help startups to access large scale projects in France and Europe, as well as getting some exposure in the market.
  • And the good news is that French groups are very keen to partner with Estonian technology companies.
  • We invite Estonian companies to attend  a webinar in order to understand the technology and innovation market in France, and how  Estonian companies could partner with French corporates to enter the market.

Tutvu veebiseminari sisuga

  • During this webinar, Cdiscount and Veepee, two multimillion ecommerce and retail groups, will share more on their technology needs and how they could collaborate with Estonian companies. BPI France, the French public innovation and investment bank, will also join the discussion to provide some insightful recommendations to Estonian companies that are willing to enter the French market.
  • This webinar will be followed by a private networking session to introduce Estonian companies to  Cdiscount and Veepee Groups. Pre-registration are mandatory and spaces are limited, please contact us if you offer any technology solutions that could be applicable to these industries (AI, VR, AR, gamings,  warehousing solutions, logistic solutions, mobility, security, retail tech).


  • Sihtturu seminarile saad registreeruda lehekülje ülaosas oleva lingi kaudu.
  • Kui soovid  individuaalset kohtumist Cdiscount´i ja Veepee Groups´i esindajatega, märgi ka see registreerumisankeeti. Kohtade arv on piiratud.
  • Veebiseminar on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerimine hiljemalt 6. aprillil.

Päevakava ja esinejad 7. aprillil

  • 15:00 Webinar : panel discussion avec Bpi France, Cdiscount, Veepee
    • Introduction
    • Why French groups should partner with tech companies ? examples of pain points and challenges that French companies are facing
    • How can French groups collaborate with European startups ?
    • Recommendations to Estonian companies to enter the French market
    • Q&A
  • 15:50 Networking event (pre-registration required, please contact us)

Speakers :

Ms Alison Laserre, Innovation Manager, Cdiscount Group

Cdiscount is a subsidiary of Casino Group, a large French retailer. With over 23 million visit on their website every month, Cdiscount remains one of the main ecommerce group in France and in Europe. Their group generated a revenue  of + 4.2 bn in 2020.

Ms Marie-Camille Thiebault, Head of Business Entity and  Innovation DepartmentVeepee Group

Veepee is the original creator of exclusive sales events on the internet with over 20 years of experience. The group has over 72 million customers in over 14 countries. Veepee’s turnover was 3.2 billion Euros.

Ms Teodora Ene, Head of corporate relations, BPI France

Bpi France  is the French business development agency. It provides assistance from early stages to market development, with a wide range of financial instruments, including grants, loans, capital, guarantees, advisory services, in order to support innovation, growth or international expansion.

Osale veebiseminaril

  • During this webinar, Cdiscount and Veepee, two multimillion ecommerce and retail groups, will share more on their technology needs and how they could collaborate with Estonian companies. BPI France, the French public innovation and investment bank, will also join the discussion to provide some insightful recommendations to Estonian companies that are willing to enter the French market.
  • This webinar will be followed by a private networking session to introduce Estonian companies to  Cdiscount and Veepee Groups. Pre-registration are mandatory and spaces are limited, please contact us if you offer any technology solutions that could be applicable to these industries (AI, VR, AR, gamings,  warehousing solutions, logistic solutions, mobility, security, retail tech).

  • Sihtturu seminarile saad registreeruda lehekülje ülaosas oleva lingi kaudu.
  • Kui soovid  individuaalset kohtumist Cdiscount´i ja Veepee Groups´i esindajatega, märgi ka see registreerumisankeeti. Kohtade arv on piiratud.
  • Veebiseminar on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerimine hiljemalt 6. aprillil.

  • 15:00 Webinar : panel discussion avec Bpi France, Cdiscount, Veepee
    • Introduction
    • Why French groups should partner with tech companies ? examples of pain points and challenges that French companies are facing
    • How can French groups collaborate with European startups ?
    • Recommendations to Estonian companies to enter the French market
    • Q&A
  • 15:50 Networking event (pre-registration required, please contact us)

Speakers :

Ms Alison Laserre, Innovation Manager, Cdiscount Group

Cdiscount is a subsidiary of Casino Group, a large French retailer. With over 23 million visit on their website every month, Cdiscount remains one of the main ecommerce group in France and in Europe. Their group generated a revenue  of + 4.2 bn in 2020.

Ms Marie-Camille Thiebault, Head of Business Entity and  Innovation DepartmentVeepee Group

Veepee is the original creator of exclusive sales events on the internet with over 20 years of experience. The group has over 72 million customers in over 14 countries. Veepee’s turnover was 3.2 billion Euros.

Ms Teodora Ene, Head of corporate relations, BPI France

Bpi France  is the French business development agency. It provides assistance from early stages to market development, with a wide range of financial instruments, including grants, loans, capital, guarantees, advisory services, in order to support innovation, growth or international expansion.



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