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Intellectual property and knowledge transfer

Let's put knowledge in motion and generate revenue

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How can we help you?

Strategic use of intellectual property

We help companies identify, protect and enhance the commercial value of their intellectual property. We provide and make available the resources, tools and expertise to do so.

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Promoting technology transfer and development cooperation

We help companies find development partners, including universities and research institutes, and find and license innovative technologies.

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Promoting knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship

We help start-ups and operating companies develop IP-based business models by pooling the necessary resources and tools.

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Technologytransfer team in Enterprise Estonia

The Technology Transfer Team at Enterprise Estonia aims to promote the competitiveness of Estonian companies through the commercial application of knowledge, technologies and other intellectual capital. To achieve this, we make available the knowledge needed to value intellectual assets, facilitate the uptake of internationally innovative technologies by Estonian companies, and support the development of science- and technology-intensive businesses through advisory services. Our team is made up of experienced experts in their fields, from trademarks to inventions and technology intelligence. Feel free to contact us!

Services for companies

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