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Tule osale Hollandi sihtturu tervisetehnoloogia teemalisel seminaril!

Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni Sihtasutus
7. juuni 2017
2 min

Ehkki Hollandi tervishoiusüsteem on maailmas üks arenenumaid, on seal seoses e-tervise süsteemide ja nende kasutamisega siiski arenguruumi. Seda mitte niivõrd tehnilise poole pealt nagu standardid, autentimine või elektroonilised tervisekaardid, vaid pigem, kuidas need protsessid on ümber kujundatud, kuidas kõiki süsteemis olevaid inimesi julgustada teisiti mõtlema ja uuendusi kasutama.

Aeg: 15.06.2017 13:00 – 17:00

Koht: Tallinna Teaduspark Tehnopol, seminariruum Merkuur, aadressil Teaduspargi 6/1.

Koostöös EASi, Teaduspargiga Tehnopol, Connected Health klastri ja Hollandi Suursaatkonnaga toimub 15. juunil seminar Eesti tervisetehnoloogia valdkonna ettevõtetele, kes on huvitatud Hollandi turule laienemisest.

Seminar on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerumine aadressil [email protected] enne 13. juunit.

Seminar on inglise keeles.

12:30 – 13:00   Registreerumine ja tervituskohv
13:00 – 13:10   Avasõnad, Hollandi suursaadik Eestis, HE Ms K. Van Stegeren
13:10 – 13:40   Healthcare system and e-health in the Nethrelands, Thijs de Neeve, EASi ekspordinõunik Hollandis
13:40 – 14:10   Supplier perspective, Kees Donker, OIZ
Given the upsurge of phenomena like remote monitoring, big data analyses and value based healthcare, selling ICT solutions to healthcare providers goes well beyond making ERP solutions fit a specific industry sector. Also, political and regulatory developments need to sync in with technological capabilities touching on standards and authentication. Another topic we have to look into and protect are the privacy regulations and the way the citizens feel about this. Kees Donker (OIZ) reveals what companies entering the Dutch market should prepare themselves for.
14:40 – 15:10    Kohvipaus
15:10 – 15:30    Introduction to the Dutch health accelerators, upcoming startup events and announcement by Philips about new initiative for health SMEs, Margot Roose, ettevõtlusnõunik Baltikumis ja Soomes, Hollandi Suursaatkond Tallinnas. Facilitating cooperation opportunities, knowledge sharing and connecting organisations/companies in Estonia and the Netherlands.
15:30 – 16:15    Pushing innovation in health in the Netherlands and opportunities for Estonian companies, Inge Valstar, ZonMw / Zorg voor Innoveren
It takes many ingredients to develop good ICT innovations for healthcare. And it takes even more to make them succeed in the market. Inge Valstar (ZonMw / Zorg voor Innoveren) explains how policy translates into action, what some of the critical success factors are and how various actors in government, education and private enterprise are pushed to work together in order to make ICT innovation in Dutch healthcare take off and land.
16:15 – 16:45    Paneeldiskussioon
16:45 – 17:30    Networking ja suupisted

Külle Tärnov
Connected Health klaster/ Teaduspark Tehnopol
[email protected]

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